Tuesday, February 15, 2011

track break day 5 & 6

Day 5 Friday we went to lunch at Cafe Rio with my sister Wendy. It was very yummy and fun!

Day 6 Valentines Day! We went to the Children's Discovery Museum. Russell liked playing in the lockers. It was great to see the kids play all creatively. We met Todd for lunch.

That morning we had a treasure hunt.

The kids love getting gumballs.

Here is 1 of the heart-shaped pizzas we made that night. They are fun to make. Then we watched the DisneyNature movie Oceans. It was amazing.


Jeff and Nichole said...

Whoa, that heart pizza looks good!

Melanie said...

So fun!! Kari, you are such a great mom!! So many exciting things planned for track off.