Sunday, April 6, 2008

Legoland, beach trip

So Todd came home Thursday night saying let's go on a trip somewhere! So we decided on Legoland in Carlsbad, CA. We drove there Friday morning and loved it! Then we went to the beach.

Does anyone know if once I upload photos can I change the order they are on the blog?

Yes those are legos! There were lots of cool rides and stuff with water which would be great in the hot summer, but then it may be more crowded as well. Not many that we could take the baby on with us, but Anna could do most (36 inches tall). Tickets are the best price at Costco.
Kaylee and Lincoln play together so well. They are great buddies.


Geneva said...

Glad you had a fun trip M.M. went well. We loved the mini Las Vegas strip at Legoland last November. So fun!

Jennifer B said...

Wow! So much fun! We really need to go on an improtu vacation. So cool!! To move the pictures after you have posted them you just hold down left click and drag where you want. Sometimes it is weird so you have to move it a little at a time, but it works. =)

Lisa and Alan said...

Looks like you guys had fun. I wish I was there!

Kathy said...

Glad you had fun! Great pictures.